IVF Cost at Centro de Reprodução Humana Prof. Franco Junior, Brazil

After sending my letter to the Centro de Reprodução Humana Prof. Franco Junior in Brazil the reply I received seemed to be much more focussed on collecting the money than on answering my questions – in fact I have been given all their banking details to deposit money in for a consultation but not even told how much the IVF procedure will cost me. I don’t think I would be going here!!

Here is the response and attachment that they sent:

Dear Sue,

Generally, patients need to remain around 10 days here in Ribeirão Preto/SP.
You can start a distance treatment, sending us your exams and all the information of your previous IVF cycles. Then, you can start with the medications and come here only in the final phase, to transfer the embryo.
For that, you must send us the Data Collection Program.
The analysis of your data has a cost equivalent to a medical consultation – USD 170.
The evaluation result will be sent by post and our team will contact you for clarifying any doubt about the treatment, costs, accommodation, airport, etc.
The payment can be done through bank account transference:
Banco Real 356
Agencia 0742
Account number: 57 241 92
Swift Code: abnaus33-aba026009580
Beneficiary: Franco Junior Clinica Médica
We appreciate if you send a copy of the bank swift with your data and exams.
Best regards,

Dr. Ricardo Baruffi
CRM 52.798
Centro de Reprodução Humana Prof. Franco Junior
Visite o nosso site: www.crh.com.br
Telefone para contato (16) 3911 1100.

Centro de Reprodução Humana – Prof. Franco Junior

Data Collection Program

Full Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Fax Number: (……..) …………………… Telephone Number: (…….) ………………………..

City: ……………….……………….. State: …….…….. Country: ……………………………..

1. Send data about:

a. Personal and general: couple age, birthday, marriage time, infertility duration, parental diseases, personal antecedents, previous surgeries.

b. Previous gestations.

c. Menstrual cycle: duration, time interval and last menstruation date.

d. Detailed information of previous treatments.

2. Send a copy of previous exams results (if you have), such as: hysterosalpingogram, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, vaginal ultrasound, hormonal dosage, spermogram, post-coitus test, biopsies, etc.

3. Remember that our In Vitro Fertilization or ICSI Program require the following exams, which are obligatory and must be recent: spermogram, Transvaginal ultrasound, Blood tests: HIV I and II, HbS Ag, Anti-HbS, Anti-HbC IgG, Anti-HbC IgM, Anti-HCV, VDRL / FTAbs, HTLV I and II, ABO/Rh.

The analysis of your data has a cost equivalent to a medical consultation – USD 170. The evaluation result will be sent by post and our team will contact by telehopne for clarifying any doubt. The payment can be done through bank account transference:

Banco Real 356

Agencia 0742

Account number: 57 241 92

Beneficiary: Franco Junior Clinica Médica

We appreciate if you send a copy of the bank swift with your data and exams.

Your data and exams must be addressed to:

Centro de Reprodução Humana Prof. Franco Junior

Avenida Prof. João Fiusa, 689 – Alto da Boa Vista

14025-310 – Ribeirão Preto-SP – Brasil

Tel/Fax: (55-16) 3911-1100

To: Dr. Franco Junior and/or Dr. Ricardo Baruffi

Do not hesitate to contact if you have any doubt!

Visit our website: www.crh.com.br

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3 Responses to “IVF Cost at Centro de Reprodução Humana Prof. Franco Junior, Brazil”

  1. Comment by Oren Simerson

    Regarding the safety aspect of IVF is concerned, most studies have indicated that this is a safe and children born as healthy as those born with natural conception. People who want to pursue in vitro fertilization, must be aware of two things, one is the whole process and the second is the total cost involved. In IVF, eggs are surgically removed from ovaries of women under the total assistance of ultrasound and then mixed with sperm outside the body in a laboratory.

  2. Comment by Donte Slusar

    intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or ICSI for short, has led the men with sperm abnormalities enjoy increased success rates when subjected to in vitro fertilization. In this procedure, a single sperm is injected directly into a mature egg for fertilization. The embryo is then transferred to her uterus.

  3. Comment by zuleide

    hola eu me chamo zuleide tenho 44 anos meu marido nao pode fazer filho eu gostaria de saber quanto custa para en cheta esperma de outro eu nao tenho nen um probrema gostaria de saber que pozo fazer para esgravida mt obrigado