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Don’t be Misled by a Clinics IVF Success Rate

It is very easy to look at the published success rate for a particular clinic and believe that you can use this to compare how good the clinic is compared to any other. This is definitely not the case – as I’ve found. When I wrote my letter to clinics for more information on their IVF treatment I specifically posed the questions:

  • What is the maximum age that you treat?
  • Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?

because if the clinic restrict their treatment to relatively easy cases – younger women without complicated infertility issues – then their success rate is bound to be higher.

I have just read an article about the claimed success rates in Queensland, Australia, and find that even with these questions answered I stand little chance of getting a comparable success rate, or even a rate that means anything at all! Check out the article here, and remember that choosing a clinic can be as much about how you feel they respond to you as it is their published success rates – which is why I am finding the responses to my letter so informative, and you can find them all published here on this blog to help you too.

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