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IVF Cost at Centro Cantonale di Fertilità, Switzerland

Within four days I received the following reply to my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure from the Centro Cantonale di Fertilità in Switzerland. I must admit that I am not at all impressed, I am being asked to make an appointment that will cost me CHF 343, which is […]

IVF Cost at UMR, Switzerland

Three days after sending my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to UMR in Switzerland I received an acknowledgement. Since the doctor was away at the time I received the replies to my questions nine days after this when she returned. Unfortunately I am over their maximum age […]

IVF Cost at Kinderwunsch, Switzerland

About two weeks after sending my letter for information on the IVF costs, IVF success rate and IVF procedure I received the reply below, the second reply shown below arrived a couple of weeks after the first one. Unfortunately I was not given any cost information as I am beyond their maximum age limit of […]