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Archive for the 'IVF Rates' Category

IVF Cost at INVIMED European Centre of Motherhood, Poland – great information

I have received some great information on the European Centre for Motherhood on the IVF cost, IVF success rates and IVF procedure in their centres in Poland. The European Center of Motherhood has 3 subsidiaries in Poland, in: Warsaw, Wroclaw and Poznan. Their web site can be found at (english version: and their […]

Had Success with IVF but at a high price?

I have had a request from a magazine for help in finding somebody to do an article. Here are the details: Has anyone spent £100,000 or there abouts on fertility treatment to have a baby? I am a health journalist looking for a couple who have spent a lot of money on fertility treatment and […]

ART Co-funding in Singapore

There is a great site called the Asian Parent that gives a lot of information on, as you might have guessed, becoming and being a parent. The site I have seen is a Singapore addition and there is an article about ART co-finding in Singapore – The co-funding comes from the Singapore government and […]

IVF Cost at Kinderwunschzentrum Privatspital Goldenes Kreuz, Austria

  Three days after sending my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to the Kinderwunschzentrum Privatspital Goldenes Kreuz in Austria I received the reply below. Unfortunately my first six questions were not addressed in this reply and to date I have not received any additional information. The approximate US$ equivalents […]

IVF Cost at Centro de Fertilidad del Prado, Tijuana,Mexico

I received a very fast response to my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure from the Centro de Fertilidad del Prado in Tijuana, Mexico – the reply came the same day! Their website can be found at, however I could not find a button to translate it […]

IVF Cost at New Hope Fertility Centre, Mexico – absolutely fantastic information, a MUST read!!

I became so excited when I received the reply from Dr. Alejandro Chavez-Badiola of the New Hope Fertility Centre in Mexico. I must admit that the feeling that I got was that I had found the place I want to go to! And I thought I had narrowed my choices down to two, one close […]

IVF Scholarships for those in the USA

I have just stumbled across a site that is providing scholarships to those in need for IVF treatment in the USA – and the good news is that they have twice as many available this year! Quoting from thier site: The InterNational Council for Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID — pronounced “inside”) has a program designed […]

IVF Cost at Sims International Fertility Clinic, Ireland

The same day as I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to the Sims International Fertility Clinic in Ireland I had a reply requesting my address so that they could send me an information pack. Shorty a very informative information pack arrived in the post. Much […]

IVF Cost at Sint-Lucas Hospital Gent, Belgium

Nine days after I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to Sint-Lucas Hospital Gent in Belgium I received the reply below. I have included the attachments and have added the approximate costs in US$ in red. The English version of their website can be found here. […]

IVF Cost at EGV Clinic, Latvia

Two days after sending my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to the EGV Clinic in Latvia I received the reply below. I have added the approximate US$ costs in red. Their website has a full list of costs on it and there is an English translation. Click […]