IVF Cost with IVF Support Services – Sweden / UK

If you are based in the UK there is a service offered by IVF Support Services that combines treatment in the UK and Sweden – pre treatment in the UK and the final leg in Sweden. Here are the details and answers to the questions from my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rates and IVF procedure.

The questions I have regarding treatment at your clinic are:

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)

The Clinic Success Rate is 51% for one embryo transfer and 56% for two

41- 42yrs is 25% success rate

  1. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?

Approx 400

  1. What is the maximum age that you treat?

42yrs old  ( we also offer programmes in Denmark for 42-46yrs old and St Petersburg up to 49yrs for egg and sperm donation and embryo adoption)

  1. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?

Each individual case is taken on its own merit, If we cannot help we an offer assistance in finding another clinic.

  1. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time?

A max of 2

  1. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?

We offer a fixed price programme for Sweden including all pre treatment, viral screening, blood tests, scans, Consultations with the Consultant here, Medication, IVF Support Services support throughout, Egg collection, ICSI if required, Blastocyst cultivation if suitable, assisted hatching if needed, transfer, then final stage of  2 week wait care in the UK, continued support and access to the consultants throughout – £7500

  1. What additional costs would / could be incurred?

Travel – £500 (based upon flights, travel and accommodation for the couple)

  1. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?

The payment is broken down into stages so that you only pay for each stage as you have it, so for example if you did not go to Sweden as the cycle was abandoned you don’t pay for that part, the same with the medication its broken down so you pay for each medication as you receive it.

  1. How long would I need to be in Sweden for?

8 days

  • Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?
  • IVF Support Services deals with all of the logistics and planning.

    1. How is the pre-treatment carried out?

    The Pre treatment is carried out by the Consultant at his clinic in Essex, he is responsible for all of the pre treatment care.

    1. How do I get medication?

    Prescribed and given by the Consultant at your appointments

    1. How will I be monitored?

    By the consultant – you will be given a schedule of appointment dates and times and what will be carried out during those Consultations.

    1. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?

    The Consultant will know this from your blood tests and scan during the stimualtion period and the medication can be adjusted accordingly

    1. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?

    The Consultant in the UK / IVF Support Services

    1. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?

    Yes, the same as in this country Sweden has its own version of the HFEA and the clinic is registered with them – National Infertility Board of Sweden (IRIS). One of the Consultants also sits on the Board.

    Tamsin Bowers
    IVF Support Services

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    5 Responses to “IVF Cost with IVF Support Services – Sweden / UK”

    1. Comment by Tamsin

      Hi Sue it was great to speak to you again and hope that the information helps with the website. I am very very impressed by what you have achieved and you should be very proud of yourself and the help that you are giving to others, as you know finding where to start is the most difficult part.
      The very best of luck to you in the future and all those that visit the site.

    2. Comment by Diana


      I found this site to be helpful with costs from all over the world. They give free quotes and someone contacts you to go over all your options…


    3. Comment by Mack Lengyel

      Part of me feels like this is a great thing to do. There are so many kids who need loving homes. I just don’t feel like my parents are right for this, though. For starters, they have nowhere to put another kid. They already have an autistic 8 year old who requires a ton of care, and my dad is stretched thin working 2-3 jobs to support them all. My other younger brother is 20, and though he’s part-time in college, he has Asberger’s and isn’t capable of living on his own yet. And there’s a selfish part of me that’s concerned that she’ll now completely ignore me. My fiancee and I have discussed wanting children soon, and I’m worried she’ll have her hands too full to be able to be a grandmother. With the 8-year-old getting older, I had hoped that she’d be able to take more of an active role in my life, if I was to have a child. Am I totally wrong and selfish in this?

    4. Comment by Nelson

      i am kenyan aged 37 years, married for 10 years without a child. my wife has a problem of blocked fallopian tubes. she has undergone surgery but nothing yet has happened. we have opted to IVF but its unfortune we cannot be able raise the amount required for IVF. It is our hubble request for wellwishers to help us undergo such medication. Our marriage has been stable despite the gossips that comes from people. We hope and trust God that there is a way you can help us. thanks and God Bless as we look forward for your favourable response.

    5. Comment by FATHUMA RIFKA

      i am from srilanka i am marred 7 year but no baby i like to ivf how to can pleas help me
      thank you