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IVF Cost at Servy Massey Fertility Institute, Georgia, USA

After a request to be included in this website I have been given some information on a low cost IVF centre, Servy Massey Fertility Institute, which has clinics in Augusta and Atlanta in Geargia USA.

The information on the IVF cost that I received is:

The clinic merges talents of two highly experienced physicians. Advanced personalized care is provided with exceptionally affordable prices. Dr Massey has 2 years recent experience in a low cost center recently. No age limit, phone consults available. First cycle $6600, second $5900. Drugs additional cost, judiciously applied. Mini in vitro available, but full service IVF IS main thrust.


Tel: 404 805 7452

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10 Responses to “IVF Cost at Servy Massey Fertility Institute, Georgia, USA”

  1. Comment by Joanna

    Wow! I didn’t know this place exsisted, how long has it been in Atlanta? I had done my research on IVF prices and found Atlanta to be one of the most expensive when comparing the 3 main centers out here with others in the USA, so if we have to cross the IVF bridge soon, hope not but its possible with our situation, we thought we would have to go out of state, so relieved to see this place, thanks so much for posting about it, I doubt I would have ever found it if you hadn’t…when searching “low cost ivf in usa” I found this, so helpful!

  2. Comment by admin

    Hi Joanna,

    So please this has helped you. Best of luck with your treatment and please do let us know how it goes.

    All the best,

  3. Comment by Tuesdee Davis

    For anyone still looking, offers in house financing for ivf (and mini ivf) with 50% down. As well, ofers financing. I had a tubal ligation in 2003 and plan on mini ivf in a few months with CNY Fertility, cost is less than $6000! They even work with online and mail pharmacies to provide great cost medicines. I had my consult over the phone and they send me all my paperwork via the patient portal and my orders for labs. Love it!

  4. Comment by Angela

    Can you please explain what a mini ivf proceedure is in relation to a regular ivf treatment cycle.

  5. Comment by Joanna

    I was the first responder to this post back in Dec 11′ and wanted to come back and let you all know I used this fertility center last month with our first round of IVF and it was successful, we’re pregnant after 2 1/2 years of trying!

    Also, to the one questioning what mini ivf is in relation to regular. Mini ivf is a minimal stimulation ivf, no expensive injections besides a trigger shot is taken, you take oral meds and create many less eggs than regular ivf, on average I see 10-25 eggs retrieved from a woman under 35 where as with mini ivf, the average I see is 2-4 eggs retrieved. I was debating on both procedures but glad I went with regular because I got 19 eggs retrieved, only 11 mature, only 8 fertilized, and only 4 of those survived to day 5, had I taken the mini route I may not have had any surviving embryos.

    I have also noticed some people have had to wait a cycle after doing mini ivf to put their embryos back in due to the oral meds thinning their lining too much. Some people rave about mini IVF but if your dealing with severe to moderate male factor (we had moderate male factor) or poor egg quality, I don’t think I would choose mini ivf, good luck to you on your decision!

  6. Comment by admin

    Congratulations Joanna, we are so thrilled for you. We hope the pregnancy goes well.

    All the very very best,
    Sue xxx

  7. Comment by Jessica

    Hello, I am a 32 years old and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 1/2 years now. My medical history consists of a partial hysterectomy (due to a bi cornial uterus) when I was 13, 1 miscarriage, 2 live births delivered by C-section. I had a laperoscopy and hysteroscopy of which they found an abundance of scar tissue. They took out as much scar tissue as they could. My husband and I have done 3 IUI with no success. My husbands sperm has good mobility, good count, and anti bodies are good, but one doctor said that 88 percent of them are abnormally shaped and another doctor said that it should not be a big deal. We have not yet done the x-ray to see if my Fallopian tubes are blocked. We have exhausted our savings for right now and are in the process of building it back up. We are considering trying IVF outside the U.S, but am not sure if it’s safe and would prefer to stay close to home, but cannot afford the high cost. We live near Portland, Or. What would you suggest? Should we try IVF? What would be the success rate for us and what is the cost? Also do you know of any possible research trials that may be beneficial for us and may help us in out quest to have a child? Thank you for your time

  8. Comment by Joanna

    I seen a new post today and thought I would give you an update. The last time I posted I told you all I got pregnant on my first round of IVF, turns out it was twins! It was a very hard pregnancy and I was on bed rest for half of it but I now have 7 month old beautiful baby boy/girl twins, I am beyond blessed.

    Jessica, I wanted to let you know there is hope, I know you don’t have the same issues I was dealing with but I believe IVF would be your best route. The reason your IUI’s most likely did not work is because of your husbands morphology, which is the shape of sperm, that is the #1 most important thing in IUI because it doesn’t matter if there are 10’s of 100’s of millions of sperm that swim great (motility) if they are improperly shaped and make it to the egg, they won’t be able to get in, some doctors don’t like to tell patients this and let them go through the lengthy, heart breaking IUI process knowing the chance of success is low. The success rate of IUI in fertile couples is only 20%, much less with infertility problems.

    Definitely get an HSG before proceeding to IVF, which will show if your tubes are blocked, IVF can overcome blocked tubes but its usually a requirement before IVF. I too experienced over 5 years of infertility, its tough, but I now have 3 awesome children, a 5 year old and 7 month old twins.

    As far as price, there is a huge range in price differences in the USA, on average here in Atlanta the cost is around $12,000-$14,000…something I could never afford but the “low cost” IVF center that opened out here, it was only $6,400, plus the cost of meds, by the grace of God a lot of my meds were donated to me, helped the cost so much.

    Start googling “low cost IVF centers” in your area, they are on average 40% less in cost for IVF then regular centers, make sure they have a good reputation and high success rates. Unfortunately there are not a lot of low cost IVF centers in the USA, the last I checked there was about 15 of them, I would recommend mine but its quite a distance from Portand, OR, I think there is one in CA and TX closer to you, may be some closer than that. Good luck with your infertility journey and feel free to e-mail me with any questions, I love trying to help people who are going through what I went through. (

  9. Comment by brianne

    Hi, my name is brianne. I am set up for an appointment on oct. 24, 2013 to get started on my ivf process. My husband, daughter and I are very excited. Yes we have a 7 year daughter, but along the years I developed endometriosis and it block both of my tubes.My question is do any one know any names of some websites that give you loans or grants for a ivf.

  10. Comment by jennifer

    I tried preg in Greenville sc and was very successful with the mini ivf. Both tubes were damaged and also had to have polys removed. Price list listed on line. I had just as many eggs as a person who did full ivf, They are awesome there.